JIA 公益社団法人日本建築家協会








Declaration of Architects

The architect is a professional who responds to the trust of clients by practicing a diverse collection of technologies and trades, while at the same time upholding social responsibility.
The architect is also a professional who historically has had the role of educating the general public through the creation of architecture.
Today, the professional activities of the architect have evolved beyond the boundary of individual works to include community buildings that incorporate a sound strategy for the general domain of human habitation.
We, as architects, are determined as professionals to promote architecture and community building that respects both individual and regional idiosyncrasies through dialogues with the client, general public and public administrators, with the goal of realizing a community that is secure, safe and sustainable into the next generations.

Contribution to the Public Good

We, as architects, declare our resolve to contribute to the public good by committing ourselves to architecture and community building within the following principles of conduct:
・ We shall exercise maximum care to prevent damage to the natural environment and loss of global sustainability.
・ We shall strive to preserve and improve our social and cultural assets.
・ We shall endeavor to preserve and create secure, safe and comfortable living spaces.

Securing the Public Interest

The Japan Institute of Architects hereby declares its intent to secure the best interest of the public by ensuring the following quality and conduct of its members:
・ The JIA architect shall maintain independence from construction contractors in order to secure the interest of both the client and society.
・ The JIA architect shall orchestrate the design to ensure the standard quality and artistic value of space.
・ The JIA architect shall act according to the “Charter of Architects,” “Code of Ethics” and “Code of Professional Conduct.”